My client is getting untwisted and unwarped. He manages several teams and was struggling to keep them motivated. He was in a perpetual mode of holding feet to the fire, keeping the pressure on, and threatening consequences when performance was low.

Why did he do this?

But of course…….. because it was being “done” to him.

We all know what rolls downhill. He was being twisted into an antiquated leadership model that is destructive, particularly when applied to our younger, more self-aware generations.

We began by identifying four critical areas where he could improve morale and engagement through more effective communication.

  1. An understanding of how to Talk to the Brain™ of team members
  2. His results from the 5 Voices Assessment and how to alter the words he chooses
  3. The precursors for group flow.
  4. The power of extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivators

We were making progress, but he was still dissatisfied with his results. As I got to know this passionate leader, we discovered what was missing from how he communicated with his teams.

With a single question, it became as clear as bougie bottled water.

I asked: What does your team know about you?
He replied with how he had outlined expectations with documents, pep talks, and details.

That response told me what was missing from his relationships. And so I asked him to describe the best leader he ever had, and he said, “He was someone I deeply respected, but also felt like a trusted friend. He made me want to serve him.”

Upon exploring this response, my client was transformed. His relationships with his team members were warped, all one-sided. He was asking about them but he wasn’t offering the same in return. The result? He was viewed as a drill sergeant who pretended to take a personal interest in others but really had only one focus: Performance.

When we take the time to listen, learn, and share, the result is elevated performance, not time lost!

Today’s Talk to the Brain™ Tip is to

Have you ever felt that a leader was just going through the obligatory motions of asking about your family and hobbies? This can feel disingenuous and erode trust. But even when a leader sincerely takes an interest in team members, the relationship will be imbalanced and lack connection if the same openness is not offered in return.

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